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You can contact the council via the Clerk, or direct to specific councillors using the details below.

Contact Details​

Parish Councillors:

Cllr. Bal Anota  Chairman

07355 473970

Cllr. Adrian Bramwell


Cllr. Graham Mathias


Cllr. Michael de Whalley

07484 670000

Cllr. Andy Blatch

Cllr. Victoria Kempley

Borough Councillor – Michael de Whalley

07484 670000


Borough Councillor –  Bal Anota


07355 473970

County Councillor – Jim Moriarity



07917 591668 


Member of Parliament – James Wild

0207 219 3000

Michael de Whalley.jpg

The Role of a Councillor


Councillors are elected to represent the interests of the local community as a whole and promote a harmonious local environment.  New councillors are expected to attend an “introduction to becoming a councillor” which consists of 2 part training course, to help you understand the role.

Local councils are the first tier of governance and are the first point of contact for anyone concerned with a community issue. They are democratically elected local authorities and exist in England, Wales, and Scotland. The term ‘local council’ is synonymous with ‘parish council’, ‘town council’, and ‘community council’.

Local councils are made up of locally elected councillors. They are legally obliged to hold at least one meeting a year. Leziate Parish Council meets on a monthly basis with the exception of August and January, to discuss council business and hear from local residents.


Borough councilors regularly attend parish meetings to report back to the district on developments at parish level.

County councillors are also invited to attend parish meetings when the parish council feels it is appropriate, and they have a standing invitation to attend and report at the Annual Parish Meeting.

​Councillors must abide by a Code of Conduct; a set of rules on how councillors are expected to behave.  They must also declare their pecuniary (financial) interests in the parish, details of which are kept on a Councillors' Register of Interests which is available via the Borough Council at:

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